Gardening work at Patwin School (June 3, 2023)

Rotary club members participated in gardening work at Patwin School (West-Davis).

Senior Center Fence Project

Watch the progress as the Davis Sunset Rotary team repairs the fence for the Senior Center.

Huei Young’s City Garden

Our Sunset Rotary Club doing a service project helping Huei Young pulling weeds to maintain her City Garden along the green belt.

Rumbiye Borehole Project

Sunset Rotary Davis partnered with other organizations to bring clean water to the community of Rumbiye (Kenya). Funds are used to drill a new borehole during the week of May 4, 2020. In April 2023, we started officially phase 2 of the project when the official documents were signed between RC Busia, Engineers without Borders-Kenya and the contractors. More information is at We thank everyone for their support.

Digital Curriculum for Palliative Care Education in Rural Uganda UPDATE – June 2018

With the funds provided by the Sunset Rotary Club of Davis, Palliative Care for Uganda was able to pilot the Digital Curriculum for Palliative Care Education in Rural Uganda to evaluate the efficacy of the program in improving understanding of palliative care of chronically and seriously ill patients there.

Club Meetings

Davis Community Church

412 C Street, Davis, CA 95616

Meeting over Zoom and In Person

Meetings are held 6:00 pm -7:00 pm Pacific, on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the Month at the
Davis Community Church (412 C Street; small room at NW side of building)

Please email for Zoom ID and Password or location details.