Hernani Alves – Founder of Balanced IQ, Personal Positivity, Performance and Accountability

November 13, 2019 @ 6:00 pm

The talk will be on my book Balanced Accountability:  Three leadership secrets on how to Win Hearts and Maximize Performance.

  • Personal Accountability:  Most Important Person in your life and how to get the best results.   Fact:  Personal accountability helps guarantee success.
  • Positive Accountability:  Learning the magic of “helping others to help yourself” to see your team’s goals exceeded.  Fact: A positive mindset will outperform negative ones by 58%.
  • Performance Accountability:  Attendees will laugh and feel inspired throughout this compelling case for leaders to take their roles seriously and optimistically. It’s truly a process to enjoy.   Fact:  How do you eat an elephant? One small bite at a time.

Here’s more information about the book.  https://hernanialves.com/balanced-accountability-book/