Senor Center Pancake Breakfast

Tickets are available for purchase from Sunset Rotary Davis members and at the Senior Center’s front desk.

Joe DiNunzio: Davis School Foundation

Joe DiNunzio, VP – Davis School Foundation

Mary Kimball: Center for Land-Based Learning

Mary Kimball
Executive Director
Center for Land-Based Learning

Sora Edwards: Thro, Project Rive

Sora Edwards-Thro, Project Rive - reaching students in Haiti

Rusty May: BASS Foundation

The Bullying & School Safety Foundation (BASS Foundation)


The BASS Foundation was founded to help improve educational relationships and to encourage the teaching of the social skills necessary to create those healthy relationships in the classroom and beyond. BASS created SchoolToolsTv (STTV), a daily one minute social skills and anti bullying video, to help teach these valuable skills and improve educational relationships in the K-12 environment.

Education is first and foremost about relationship in the K-12 environment. The relationship between teacher and student, between the student, the school and the work and between the students themselves. Adults can be trained, but young people need to feel strong connections in order for learning to take place. A main reason cited by students for dropping out of school is because they are bored with school and don’t feel connected with teachers and other school personnel.

At the BASS Foundation, we believe that:

  • Punishment alone will not solve the problem of Zero Tolerance policies are a pathway to prison. Students need to be educated in anger management, problem solving and other crucial life skills, not thrown away.
  • Social Emotional Literacy (SEL) and Emotional Intelligence (EI) are important aspects of a K-12 We are lobbying for SEL and EI to have a more prominent place in local and national educational policies.
  • Social skills must be We can no longer rely on motivational poster or a list of classroom rules to “educate” our most valuable resource about the life skills they need to succeed in and out of the classroom.
  • Teachers need effective, inexpensive tools, like STTV, to help them encourage and teach social skills and be encouraged to take the time necessary to do

Rusty May, MS School Counseling

Rusty May is the Executive Director of the Bullying & School Safety Foundation and the creator of, a daily one minute webcast focusing on social skills and student achievement that is currently watched daily by over 20,000 K-12 students around the US and in Canada.

Rusty is a social skill educator and a violence prevention specialist and has worked with diverse populations of K-12 students since 2002. In that time, Rusty has made over 1,000 presentations to educators, parents and social groups about the need for social skills education and the importance of social emotional literacy to help youth succeed in the classroom and beyond.